
Jeg stiller ut akvareller på medlemsutstillingen til Kristiansund Kunstforening.
Her finnes masse fine malerier og glasskunst.
Utstillingen er åpen til 6. desember.

Sted: Kunstforeningens lokaler som ligger nedenfor Festiviteten i Kristiansund
Åpningstider er tirsdag - fredag kl 18-20
Lørdag - søndag kl 12-15

In between Summer and Winter


Takk for at du besøker min hjemmeside!
I år har vi levd mer isolert enn vanlig på grunn av covid-19. Om det er det som har gjort at det har vært ekstra stas å tegne og male mennesker vet jeg ikke sikkert, men mye tid har jeg i alle fall brukt på dette.
Men innimellom har det også vært godt å la farger og vann spille sammen på andre måter, da finner jeg gjerne inspirasjon i steder jeg besøker. Her er to bilder satt sammen, det ene er fra enga vår med ville stemors, det andre er fra en vintertur til Røros. Nå er vi midt i mellom sommer og vinter. Høsten stikker innom på en snarvisitt og vinteren og mørketida nærmer seg. Det er tid for å fyre i ovnen og kose seg med innekos. Ønsker dere en riktig fin høst og vinter. Hilsen Ritha

Thank you for visiting my website!
This year we have lived more isolated than usual due to covid-19. I do not know for sure if that is what has made it extra fun to draw and paint people, but I have at least spent a lot of time on this.
But sometimes it has also been good to let colors and water play together in other ways, then I like to find inspiration in places I visit. Here are two pictures put together, one is from our meadow with the flowers we call "wild stepmothers" here in Norway, the other painting is from a winter trip to the world Heritage city Røros. Now we are in between summer and winter. Autumn comes by on a short visit and winter and darkness are approaching. It's time to fire up the stove and enjoy the life indoors. I wish you a really nice autumn and winter. Ritha

Honored 1st prize


Exciting news! My watercolor «Bon Appètit» won 1st prize at the “Painter’s day” competition arranged by La Palette De Saintonge mid July this year.

The story takes place in the city Saintes in France. We, the artists are meeting in La Palette De Saintonge location in the morning. We got a map of the area in the city where we shall go out and find inspiration for our paintings. The painting has to be finished and delivered to the jury in the afternoon, so we really had to speed up. I took my painting- equipment and went to the busy market place nearby the cathedral. Here I found a good spot in front of the bakery Le Petit Chat Gourmand. When I arrive, the first customers are already heading to the counter for their fresh baked bread and croissants. The workers in the bakery kindly let me stand drawing and painting them in action. After hours painting and talking to the people that comes by, my painting is finished and I went home for a late lunch. At the exhibition in the evening, I am overwhelmed about that my painting is honored with 1st prize.

J’adresse un grand merci au personnel de Le Petit Chat Gourmand qui, avec ouverture et humour, m’a permis de les peindre sur la place.

This day was a perfect end of a fantastic week in Saintes and the region around, where I have been painting and drawing sunflowers, oyster workers and town scenes, together with my friend Maria Payer.

Todays painting - Rhododendron


Sitting quietly in the garden with my brush and watercolors.

Winter suit


Brygga på Bud har kledd på seg vinterdrakt.
Kanskje får vi fisk i dag om vi drar utpå

The dock at Bud dressed in winter suit.
Maybe we get fish today if we go out ...more

Happy New Year


"In tailwind", self-portrait 2019, watercolor.

The slogan of my hometown Kristiansund is “In tailwind regardless of the weather – a sea of opportunities”. That’s the spirit of the people living here, on the outermost islands and cliffs jutting up from the ocean.
May I be filled with such a courage throughout 2019 and explore the ocean of opportunities that exist in the watercolor's magical world.
I wish you a happy New Year!
Ritha Næss ...more
